Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Finally! A few spare moments!

Things have been so hectic around here lately! Being sick and off work (and pretty much unable to function) for a few days really set me back. I've been trying to catch up on everything and just have been so busy! I found this site a while back (http://alliebrownslayouts.blogspot.com/) that has some really awesome blog layouts so I decided to update mine for the Christmas season! I just love the colors--the red and turquoise is such a beautiful color combination!

I finally started my Christmas shopping (yes, started) on Saturday...I spent about 8 hours at the mall and toy store trying to find the perfect gifts. For some reason it has been a real struggle this year to find gifts for those on my list. I managed to finish purchasing gifts for a few people and actually started wrapping them last night. I refuse to spend Christmas Eve frantically wrapping presents while watching the clock so I have enough time to get ready and make it to church and still look presentable. Bella loves to open presents so all of the ones that are wrapped are up on the dining room table (it's a pub table, so it's higher than normal) far out of her reach. Anyone else have pets who just love to open presents?

Today I'm posting a file that I think I was insane to do in the first place. I won't lie to you, this is a file that takes quite a bit of time to cut and assemble. I made it for a paper piecing swap that I was in. I really wanted a winterish/Christmasy house and I wasn't able to find one that I liked. So I found a coloring page and went from there. I love the end result and think I may actually cut one bigger so that I can decorate it and frame it. You can have a lot of fun with this file and can customize it how you like. I put some Stickles on the trees to make it look a little more snowy. Please note that the wreaths I used to decorate the house are not included in this file...I cut those from someone else's file and so I can't include them.

Okay, enough rambling! HERE is a link to the file...and here is a picture of the cut file. Sorry that the picture isn't the greatest--I used my camera phone and while it does a decent job, it isn't the best!

Please leave a comment if you download...little things like that really brighten my day :) Enjoy the file!
This freebie has expired. It will be available soon at Cutters Market.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! That is a wonderful file! Thanks so much for sharing it!!!