Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Saturday after Thanksgiving!

I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Mine was rather "quiet" this year compared to other seemed like a lot of families couldn't make it, and my husband had to work so rather than running to visit two families and having two dinners, I just spent the day with mine. While I enjoy seeing everyone at the holidays, it was also nice to just be able to sit still for a while and relax! I told him yesterday that it was strange to be able to eat "lunch" (we eat around 2) and then just relax and not feel rushed to have to eat dessert and then get moving!

We almost always go out on Black Friday, but since he was working (again) I slept in and went to the mall later in the day to get a few bargains. It was crazy out! Usually afternoons around here are rather dead...mornings and evenings are the worst. But the mall was nuts!

Today I'm relaxing and cutting some files that I've made up...once I cut them and make sure all is okay, I'll be back with a freebie for you!

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